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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which one works better for more profit, FBM or FBA?

100% FBA by far. The reason is because you can streamline the process and be able to scale when you source more products using LacROI.

Q: How to you read the sales history to ensure something is a profitable buy?

We use Keepa throughout each day as we research sales history. Marketplace New, Marketplace Used, and Sales Rank, you’re left with a plain white graph with no lines or shading.If you click to add back the Amazon data, now you will see orange shading that indicates when Amazon has had the item in stock. If the area is orange, Amazon is in stock. Wherever you see white gaps on the graph, Amazon is out of stock. If you click on the different date ranges you can have Keepa display how often Amazon is in or out of stock on the item.

Q: What programs do you use to manage your business?

We do a few of them. For you starting out, you don't really need them. Right? I say do is bare minimum as possible to get through. Our software is free, so that is a great extension to use. Also, the AMZ Scout calculator is free as well. So those are two free extensions that you can use, which are very, very, very helpful. But we also use Jungle Scout and keep our other two main guys that we go to other than our software.

We also use InventoryLabs. InventoryLabs is very, very helpful if you are sitting out hundreds of products a week. For new people, I would say just use the Amazon Seller Essential. InventoryLabs, like 35 bucks.And we also use Aurora for repressor. I like repressor, is just because you have to do the work manually, especially when you start selling hundreds of products, it becomes hours a day doing all the work, so those are kind of topics where you use them, again they'll be in the thing below.

Q:  If you are an eBay seller, would you recommend a separate account to buy these products with?

We have several accounts but you can start to buy products on your main account and then as you begin to buy more products you can make another account as a back up.

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